📲Deploy Experience

Learn how to use our system with Google WebXR.

WebXR is experimental and currently only works on Android phones running Chrome Canary versions 70-72.

Google WebXR enables you to view your 3D models on any surface in your environment through a web browser.

Setting Up Your Browser

  1. Verify your device is running Android 8.0 Oreo or a newer version of Android.

  2. Verify that your Android phone is one of the supported ARCore devices.

  3. Install Chrome Canary on your Android device.

  4. Type chrome://flags in the URL bar.

  5. Type xr in the Search flags input field.

  6. Set the WebXR Device API (#webxr) flag to Enabled . Note to ignore the similar looking WebVR (#enable-webvr) flag .

  7. Set the WebXR Hit Test (#webxr-hit-test) flag to Enabled.

  8. Tap "Relaunch now" to ensure the updated flags take effect.

Adding 3D Content

Add a model asset with a surface target through the console. Here's how:

🎲Add a 3D Asset

Launching the WebXR App

On your Android device, open Chrome Canary.

Type https://api.echo3D.com/webxr?key=<YOUR-API-KEY> in the URL bar .

If your browser is configured correctly on a WebXR supported device, you should see the "Start Augmented Reality" button. Press it.

You may be prompted to install ARCore or enable camera permissions.

Move the phone around until an anchor is found on the floor.

Press the screen to place the 3D model you uploaded.

That's it! 🎉

If the model's scale is too big or too small, go back to the console and add metadata with a key called scale to the 3D data and an appropriate value. Then relaunch the experience.

Last updated