Access Permissions

Manage how users and viewers shared on your project can access your assets.

Access to an asset allows a user or viewer to edit, update, delete or download the asset. By default, all assets obey the project level permission setting. You can further set asset permissions individually for more granular control over edits to your project.

Access permission settings are available on the Pro and Custom plans.

Accessing settings

Asset permissions tab in asset Inspector View

Log into the console. From the content view, click an asset tile to open the asset inspection dialog and select the Asset Permissions view.

Access Requests Table

This table works identically to the table found in the Collections and Sharing page but will show only requests pertaining to the individual asset selected.

Asset Access Permission

This determines whether users and viewers shared on your project can access (modify, edit, delete or download) this project asset.

Asset Permission Toggle
  • Locked: Collection users and viewers can only access this asset with an approved request. Collection admins can access the asset and approve or deny requests.

  • Unlocked: Collection users can access this asset. Collection viewers must request access. Collection admins can approve or deny requests.

Requesting Access

If you are a user or viewer shared on a project or asset with Locked access permissions, you must request access before you can access the asset. Assets will appear in a locked state:

Locked asset tile

To send a request, click on the lock icon. The button and tooltip will update indicating a request has been sent and is awaiting admin approval:

Asset with a pending request awaiting approval

When the request is approved, the tile will unlock and normal tile buttons will appear. If the request is rejected, the tile and tooltip will update. If the admin included a note with the rejection request, it will be shown in the tooltip:

A locked asset with a rejected access request

If your request was rejected, you cannot take any further action. An admin can still approve your rejected request at later time.

Last updated