
Learn how to use ARitize360 with echo3D.


You can download ARitize360 from the App Store or Google Play.


  1. Open the app and follow the link to set up an account with ARitize360.

  2. Return to the app and follow the directions to scan your object. The app also provides tips on setup and which tools to use.

  3. Once you’ve completed your video capture, the app will let you know that your capture is ready for upload. Click to upload your capture and prepare it for processing.

  4. If you follow the capture and upload steps correctly, you will receive an email from ARitize360 stating that your scan is being processed. ARitize360 may take 1 hour or up to 2 business days to process your scan depending on the size of the scan.

  5. You will receive another email from ARitize360 notifying you when your scan is processed and the 3D model is ready to be viewed.

  6. Once you receive the email stating your scan is ready to be viewed, follow the link to your web browser to view the scan.

  7. You can download the 3D scan in multiple formats.

  8. Follow echo3D’s tutorial to upload the 3D model to the cloud:

🎲Add a 3D Asset

ARitize360 scanning tips recommend good soft lighting and promote use of a light box, turntable, and a gimbal for your phone. I did my scan without these tools.

Last updated