Bulk Actions on Assets
Learn what bulk actions are supported upon singular and multiple asset selection

How to select assets
To select an asset, hold the CTRL key down while clicking on assets you wish to select
Bulk actions for assets
Downloads the selected assets to your local machine
Share selected assets to an existing collection, or a new collection
Copy Link:
Copies the WebAR link for the selected asset. For multiple assets, all WebAR links are copied, separated by a newline.
Copy Asset ID
Copies the Asset ID for the selected asset. For multiple assets, all Asset IDs are copied, separated by a newline.
Subscribe to updates
Subscribes to updates made on selected assets, sent to the registered email address
Delete from collection
Deletes all selected assets from the current collection
Bulk actions across collections
Performing bulk actions across multiple collections is supported in "All Collections". To access the "All Collections" view, click the arrow next to your Collection Key in the header and select "All Collections". Changing to a different collection while assets are selected will clear the selection bar.
Last updated
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