How to Add and Edit Metadata

Learn how to add and edit data in the Data page.

Adding to Collection Taxonomy or Asset Specific Metadata

1. Adding a Data Entry

Click the button in the actions column of any database to add a data entry to it. Fill in the key and value fields in the newly-created row, and click the button when you’re done or click to cancel.

You can add almost any key and any value. However, there are a few reserved metadata keys that cannot be added or edited.

2. Adding Multiple Data Entries

Click the button and "Upload CSV" to upload a .csv file that contains pairs of keys and values to be added as data entries to the global database. Your metadata file should contain only two columns: one for keys and the second for values.

Here is a sample file you can use:

3. Editing a Data Entry

Click on the button to edit the data entry. Click the button when you’re done or click to cancel.

4. Deleting a Data Entry

Click on the button to delete the data entry. Confirm the deletion in the prompted pop-up dialog.

5. Downloading All Data Entries

Click the button and click "Download CSV" to download a .csv file that contains pairs of keys and values representing the global database.

Last updated