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Learn how to add code to your Unity project while getting data from the cloud.

Now that you are able to successfully stream the 3D model into Unity, it's time to make some custom adjustments.

Each asset will be instantiated with a script named CustomBehaviour.cs attached. You can edit this script to create any behavior you would like while referencing additional data streamed from the cloud.

Code Example

From the project's packages folder, open the /co.echo3d.unity/Runtime/CustomBehaviour.cs script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class CustomBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    public Entry entry;

    /// <summary>
    /// Queries the database and names the object based on the result.
    /// </summary>

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Add RemoteTransformations script to object and set its entry
        this.gameObject.AddComponent<RemoteTransformations>().entry = entry;

        // ADD YOUR CODE HERE //
        // Qurey additional data to get the name
        string value = "";
        if (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && 
            entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("name", out value))
            // Set name
            this.gameObject.name = value;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()


Lines 18-19 attaches a RemoteTransformations component to the game object and sets its content entry. This component is in charge of enabling real-time updates and animations.

// Add RemoteTransformations script to object and set its entry
this.gameObject.AddComponent<RemoteTransformations>().entry = entry;

You can add any custom code after line 21. An example follows.

Querying Metadata

Lines 22-28 are an example that queries the entry's metadata for a key called name, and if such key exists, set the game object's name to the corresponding value:

string value = "";
if (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && 
    entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("name", out value))
    // Set name
    this.gameObject.name = value;

Without the name key being set, the default game object's name is the asset filename.

Use the console to set a metadata entry with the following data:





Run Unity again and notice that the game object name automatically changes.

Great work! 🎉

Posting Metadata

You can add metadata to the cloud or update existing metadata stored remotely by calling the UpdateEntryData function located in the echo3D.cs script. This function implements the Post Metadata to an Entry API query.

In order to call this function from any other script you can use the Echo3DService instance to callUpdateEntryData function with this single line of code:

Echo3DService.instance.UpdateEntryData("<ENTRY_ID>", "<DATA>", "<VALUE>");

Where <ENTRY_ID> is the a specific entry ID you are trying to post metadata too, <DATA> is the data key (e.g. scale), and <VALUE> is the data value (e.g. 2).

Subscribing for Metadata Changes

Add the following code to your Start function to register an action that will be executed when metadata is received from the cloud.

// Define data action
WClient.On(WClient.EventType.DATA_POST_ENTRY.ToString(), (string message) => {
    // Parse data
    string[] messageArray = message.Split('|');
    string dataKey = messageArray[2];
    string dataValue = messageArray[3];
    // Add you code here
    // myFunction(dataKey, dataValue);

Last updated

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