
Learn the structure of content entries in the API.

1. Complete Data Set

This is the structure of the complete data set holding your API key and a database of all content entries associated with your API key.

This data set is retrieved by making the /query API call.

  "apiKey": "API_KEY",    // Your API Key
  "db": {                 // A collection of all content entries                

2. Entries Database

This is the structure of the collection of all content entries associated with your API key.

This database is retrieved by making the /query API call and referring to its db component.

"db": {                 // A collection of all content entries                
    "ENTRY_ID_1": {       // First content entry
    "ENTRY_ID_2": {       // Second content entry
    ...                   // Additonal content entries

3. Content Entries

This is the structure of a single content entry in the database associated with your API key.

This content entry is retrieved by making the /query API call and referring to thedb['ENTRY_ID'] component.

"ENTRY_ID": {             // First content entry
      "id": "ENTRY_ID",     // Content entry ID
      "hologram": {         // The hologram
      "target": {           // The target
      "additionalData": {   // The metadata sscocaite with this entry
      "sdks": [             // A list of SDK supporting this content

4. Assets

This is the structure of a single asset inside a single content entry in the database based on type.

This asset is retrieved by making the /query API call and referring to thedb['ENTRY_ID']['hologram'] component.

Any Type of Asset

This is data available for any asset of any type.

"hologram": {
  "id": "HOLOGRAM_ID",          // Hologram ID
  "type": "HOLOGRAM_TYPE",      // Hologram type, e.g. MODEL_HOLOGRAM, VIDEO_HOLOGRAM, or IMAGE_HOLOGRAM
  "targetID": "TARGET_ID",      // The ID of the associated target
  "filename": "FILENAME",       // The filename of the hologram
  "storageID": "STORAGE_ID"     // The storage ID of the hologram file

Model Assets

This is data available for model assets.

"hologram": {
        "id": "HOLOGRAM_ID",                      // Hologram ID
        "type": "MODEL_HOLOGRAM",                 // Hologram type
        "targetID": "TARGET_ID",                  // The ID of the associated target
        "filename": "FILENAME",                   // The filename of the hologram
        "storageID": "STORAGE_ID",                // The storage ID of the hologram file
        "textureFilenames": [                     // A collection of the filenames of the hologram's texture files
          "TEXTURE_FILENAME_1",                      // The filename of the first texture file
          "TEXTURE_FILENAME_2",                      // The filename of the second texture file
          ...                                        // Additional texture files
        "textureStorageIDs": [                     // A collection of the storage IDs of the hologram's texture files
          "TEXTURE_STORAGE_ID_1",                    // The storage ID of the first texture file
          "TEXTURE_STORAGE_ID_2",                    // The storage ID of the second texture file
          ...                                        // Additional texture files
        "materialFilename": "MATERIAL_FILENAME",   // The filename of the hologram's material file
        "materialStorageID": "MATERIAL STORAGE_ID" // The storage ID of the hologram's material file

Video Assets

This is data available for video assets.

"hologram": {
  "id": "HOLOGRAM_ID",          // Hologram ID
  "type": "VIDEO_HOLOGRAM",      // Hologram type
  "targetID": "TARGET_ID",      // The ID of the associated target
  "filename": "FILENAME",       // The filename of the hologram
  "storageID": "STORAGE_ID"     // The storage ID of the hologram file

Image Assets

This is data available for image assets.

"hologram": {
  "id": "HOLOGRAM_ID",          // Hologram ID
  "type": "VIDEO_HOLOGRAM",     // Hologram type; same as for video holograms
  "targetID": "TARGET_ID",      // The ID of the associated target
  "filename": "FILENAME",       // The filename of the hologram
  "storageID": "STORAGE_ID"     // The storage ID of the hologram file

5. Targets

This is the structure of a single target inside a single content entry in the database based on type.

This target is retrieved by making the /query API call and referring to thedb['ENTRY_ID']['target'] component.

Any Type of Target

This is data available for any target of any type.

"target": {
  "id": "TARGET_ID",           // Target ID
  "type": "TARGET_TYPE",       // Target type, e.g. BRICK_TARGET, GEOLOCATION_TARGET, or IMAGE_TARGET
  "holograms": [               // A collection of IDs of holograms associated with this target
    "HOLOGRAM_ID_1",             // The ID of the first holograms
    "HOLOGRAM_ID_2",             // The ID of the second holograms
    ...                          // Additional holograms

Surface Targets

This is the data available for surface targets.

"target": {
  "id": "TARGET_ID",           // Target ID
  "type": "BRICK_TARGET",      // Target type
  "holograms": [               // A collection of IDs of holograms associated with this target
    "HOLOGRAM_ID_1",             // The ID of the first holograms
    "HOLOGRAM_ID_2",             // The ID of the second holograms
    ...                          // Additional holograms

Location Targets

"target": {
  "id": "TARGET_ID",           // Target ID
  "type": "GEOLOCATION_TARGET",// Target type
  "holograms": [               // A collection of IDs of holograms associated with this target
    "HOLOGRAM_ID_1",             // The ID of the first holograms
    "HOLOGRAM_ID_2",             // The ID of the second holograms
    ...                          // Additional holograms
  "country": "COUNTRY",       // The location's country, e.g. US
  "city": "CITY",             // The location's country, e.g. New York
  "place": "NAME",            // The location's name, e.g Times Square 
  "latitude": ##.######,      // The location's latitude coordinate
  "longitude": ##.######      // The location's longitude coordinate

Image Targets

"target": {
  "id": "TARGET_ID",           // Target ID
  "type": "BRICK_TARGET",      // Target type
  "holograms": [               // A collection of IDs of holograms associated with this target
    "HOLOGRAM_ID_1",             // The ID of the first holograms
    "HOLOGRAM_ID_2",             // The ID of the second holograms
    ...                          // Additional holograms
  "filename": "FILENAME",      // The filename of the image file
  "storageID": "STORAGE_ID"    // The storage ID of the image file

6. Metadata

This is the structure of the metadata of a single content entry in the database.

This metadata is retrieved by making the /get API call.

Alternatively, this metadata is retrieved by making the /query API call and referring to thedb['ENTRY_ID']['additionalData'] component.

A specific value can be retrieved by referring to thedb['ENTRY_ID']['additionalData'][KEY] or db['ENTRY_ID']['additionalData'].KEY.

"additionalData": {
        "KEY_1": "VALUE_1",    // The first metadata entry, i.e. pair of key and value
        "KEY_2": "VALUE_2",    // The second metadata entry, i.e. another pair of key and value
        ...                    // Additional metadata entries , i.e. more pairs of keys and values

7. Supported SDKs

This is the structure of the supported SDK array of a single content entry in the database.

"sdks": [
        true/false,     // Vuforia support
        true/false,     // ARCore support
        true/false,     // ARKit support
        true/false,     // Unity support
        true/false,     // EasyAR support
        true/false,     // Wikitude support
        true/false,     // Kudan support
        true/false,     // WebXR support
        true/false      // AR.JS support

Last updated

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