🧰Using the SDK

Learn how to use our Unity SDK.

Streaming 3D assets into Unity

Let's start with something simple.

  1. Open the Prefabs folder within the echo3D Unity SDK package folder and add the Echo3DService prefab to any scene where you wish to load assets.

2. Add the Echo3DHologram prefab from the same folder to your scene.

This is an empty game object with the Echo3DHologram.cs script attached to it.

You can also simply add the Echo3DHologram.cs script to any existing game object.

3. In the Inspector View for the game object with the Echo3DHologram.cs script, update the API Key field with your API key.

Your API Key and Entry ID can be found in your console:

4. Type your Secret Key as the value for the parameter secKey in the file Packages/co.echo3D.unity/Runtime/Echo3DHologram.cs.

This is applicable only if you have the Secret Key option enabled.

5. Add a 3D model through the console. Here's how:

🎲Add a 3D Asset

6. Go back to Unity and hit the Play button.

The SDK will stream the 3D model into Unity.

All done! 🎉

Video Tutorial

Here's a tutorial that can guide you through the steps shown above:

Viewing the demo scene

The SDK includes a robust demo scene preconfigured to load assets (models, images, and videos) from our platform. Follow these steps to run the scene:

  1. In the top menu, click Window and then Unity Package Manager.

  2. Add the scene to your project by importing the package samples via the Unity Package Manager. Under Packages - echo3D select echo3D Unity SDK and click Import on the right side of the screen.

2. A Samples folder will be created within your project Assetsfolder. Open the Echo3DDemoscene.

3. Press "Play" to run the demo scene. Assets will stream and instantiate within the scene. Note: An internet connection is required.

All done! 🎉

Last updated